Are Nicotine Pouches the Next Trend After Vaping?

Are Nicotine Pouches the Next Trend After Vaping?

AUBURN UNIVERSITY, Ala. — From Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Football League to news networks and social media, nicotine pouches have made their presence well-known. Like many vaping products, people see these pouches as an alternative to tobacco. Could these pouches be the new vaping? Their recent growth in popularity has some people wondering if they will become popular among young people, similar to vaping products.

What are nicotine pouches?

Adrienne Duke-Marks, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System human sciences specialist, explained that nicotine pouches are a relatively new introduction to consumers.

“Nicotine pouches made their debut in the United States market in 2016, and their sales have surged in recent years,” Duke-Marks stated.

Nicotine pouches are tiny, oral pouches filled with nicotine salts and various other ingredients. Some of the well-known brands of these products include Zyn, Velo, and Rogue. These pouches do not contain tobacco. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration still oversees them because federal law classifies any item containing nicotine derived from tobacco as a tobacco product.

Users place these pouches between their lips and gums, allowing the nicotine to be absorbed through the mouth. Unlike snuff or chewing tobacco, there is no need to expel this product. This characteristic appeals to individuals seeking a more convenient and cleaner method of nicotine consumption. FOX Sports reported in early 2023 that certain MLB players have adopted these products due to bans on oral tobacco.

“These pouches come in a variety of flavors and can be consumed inconspicuously,” noted Duke-Marks, who is also an associate professor in the Auburn University College of Human Sciences. “The pouches bear resemblance to Swedish snus, which is actually recognized by the FDA as one of the few products linked to tobacco harm reduction.”

The term tobacco harm reduction is associated with the use of less harmful nicotine products instead of conventional nicotine products, such as cigarettes.

Impacts on Well-being

As vaping products rose in popularity in the early 2010s, individuals questioned their impacts on health. Today, there is a better understanding of their effects on the brain, heart, lungs, and cancer risks. Similarly, curiosity may arise about the health effects of nicotine pouches and how they compare to vaping and traditional tobacco.

Pouches can vary in nicotine content. Duke-Marks emphasized that it is crucial to remember that all forms of nicotine are addictive and can negatively affect adolescent brain development.

“Nicotine pouches actually have lower levels of harmful chemicals compared to other nicotine products,” she mentioned. “However, the high nicotine concentrations in some of these pouches are a cause for concern, especially for youth who have never smoked. Currently, there are no long-term studies on the effects of nicotine pouches on the mouth or other bodily systems.”

Utilization Among Young Individuals

Research conducted over the past several years indicates a consistent rise in the number of U.S. middle- and high-school students employing electronic nicotine devices. For nicotine pouches, retailers have observed a surge in sales. However, Duke-Marks noted that there has not been extensive research to investigate self-reported use of nicotine pouches among youth or adults.

“As with other novel nicotine products, youth and young adults are frequently the first to experiment with new substances and popularize their usage,” Duke-Marks commented. “However, a recent study on marketing in the U.S. has not discovered that they (companies) are specifically aiming at youth audiences at this juncture.”

Will these nicotine pouches become the next vaping trend? At this stage, further research is required before experts can provide an answer to that question. Nonetheless, parents and guardians can leverage the popularity of these pouches as an opportunity to discuss nicotine with young individuals.

“If you simply tell young people that you do not want them to smoke or vape, you are not addressing the primary substance that causes addiction in teens,” Duke-Marks remarked. “Speak to them about the perils of nicotine and the influence of addiction on the body and mind. Focus more on the substance and less on the method of introducing it into the system.”

Additional Information

Alabama Extension’s human sciences team offers resources that can assist you in having this conversation with your child or young adult. These resources encompass topics such as smoking, vaping, cigarillos, pouches, hookah/shisha, and others. To locate these resources, search for these topics at You can also visit the website’s Health section under the Home and Family topic area.

Please be aware that the trade and brand names utilized in this publication are provided for informational purposes solely. No warranty, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.